Watch Miss Panda Chinese on YouTube

Chinese for Young Learners

Play and Learn

Hello Song and Number Song – Chinese for Kids Playgroup

Songs are from the “Let’s Learn Mandarin Chinese with Miss Panda!” CD/MP3 album

produced by Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, Miss Panda

Chinese Stories for Children

Miss Panda’s Reading Playground

on Miss Panda Chinese YouTube Channel

The Eensy Weensy Spider in Mandarin

translation by Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett “Miss Panda”

Picture Chinese for Kids

Vocabulary in Sentences

Season 1

produced by Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, “Miss Panda”

Broadcast on Miss Panda Chinese channel on YouTube

Miss Panda in Action

Miss Panda creates a Happy, Playful, and Engaging Experience Where Children Want to Come Back for More

This elementary school program is designed and presented by Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, “Miss Panda”

What you can find in Miss Panda Chinese youtube channel


Behind the scene of raising a bilingual child.

Happy Chinese Playgroup is a collection of videos for young learners.  Parents and educators can use the videos to prepare for the play session.

Chinese Reading Playgroud is a series of stories.  There are storybooks by generous authors and publishers who provided Chinese edition for children.  There are also original stories written by Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, Miss Panda. Parents and educators can use these videos for story time, active play, and readers theater.

Picture Chinese is a collectino of videos for simple Chinese words and commonly used Chinese sentences that children can use right away.

Bilingual Lab is a collection of videos sharing bilingual family stories.

Author Interviews are sharing the behind the scence stories of authors, artists, and writers who have created top-notch resources that help parents and educators introduce a new language and world culture to children.

We are very grateful for receiving the generous permission from the authors and/or publishers who have published the Chinese edition of the storybooks that are included in the Miss Panda’s Reading Playground collection.  All videos in this collection are for educational and non-commercial use.

Watch Miss Panda Chinese

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  1. Can you please read a Piggie and Gerald book “Watch Me Throw the Ball” by Mo Willems in Mandarin? thank you!

  2. would love to see

    ” Are you my Mother”

    ” Hand Hand Fingers Thumb”

    “Old Hat , New Hat”

    Xie Xie

  3. I stumbled on your Reading Playground on YouTube and am so thankful that I did! We are a mixed culture family and we were struggling with ideas on how to help our children learn my husband’s native language. Your clips are invaluable! Thank you!!

    • Elle, Thank you for your kind words. I was delighted to know the video clips are helpful. It is great that you are looking for different ideas to help your kids to learn your husband’s native language. There are many parents who are also raising bilingual/multilingual children just like us. It is like a support community for us so we can be more creative and be inspired. I hope you find the blog a good resource for your fun activities.

  4. Hi my son is in a full immerison school(in America) and being taught in Mandarin. He is seven and loves hearing you read stories. Thank you so much. His name is Austin and would like to hear you read Goldie Locks and the 3 Bears, My School’s a Zoo by:Stu Smith, any(if his choice all of them)books by: Mercer Mayer, and Green Eggs and Ham By: Dr. Seuss. Thank you for you time.

  5. My daughter is really enjoying hearing your stories in Chinese, and wants me to ask you to please read more Mo Willems, especially the pigeon books! Thank you so much for these books!

    • Ni Hao! It is wonderful to know your daughter enjoys the Reading Playground. I will add her requests to the reading log. Let’s always keep learning fun! ~Miss Panda

  6. Hello Miss Panda! I’m (Hong Kong) Chinese and only know a few words in Mandarin, but I would love for my two young boys to learn Mandarin, so we listen to your CD twice a week during breakfast, and watch your videos every weekend. Thank you for making it fun for my children! I look forward to adding more of your videos to our video playlist and purchasing future CDs :).

    • I was so glad to hear from you and know that your are having fun learning. I will be adding more stories and more learning resources in the near future. Let’s always keep the learning fun and have a wonderful summer! ~Miss Panda

  7. Ni hao! Miss Panda Laoshi, My students in Australia enjoy so much to listen to your story in mandarin. They want me to ask you to read “Elmer” David McKee, “Brown, Brown Bear” by Eric Carle. Thank you so much in advance.

    • How wonderful! I have read these two books. Join me at Miss Panda Chinese YouTube channel and read along with me! Have a fantastic summer! ~Miss Panda

  8. Hi Miss Panda,

    Do you have simplified mandarin version?


    • Zee,
      If you are referring to the audio CD/MP3 album the learning guide with the Free download and complete one they both have Chinese simplified characters included. Thank you for stopping by. Let’s Always keep learning fun. ~Miss Panda

  9. We love miss panda and would like more videos of any books 🙂 We listen to Miss Panda every night before we go to bed. Thank you so much for your lovely videos!!!

    • Ni Hao Jennifer,
      Thank you for your kind words! I was so glad that you and your child(ren) enjoy the story videos. Let’s always keep learning fun! Hugs, Miss Panda!

  10. Hello Miss Panda,

    My 2 year old son loves your Reading Playground. We were wondering if you could read 10 Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes for us by Mem Fox?

    • Tanya, Thank you so much for the recommendation. I have added the titles to the reading list. Let’s Always Keep Learning Fun! ~MissPanda

  11. Hello Miss Panda,

    My boys love to listen the books! We do a couple every night. We cannot find Little Blue Truck in Mandarin, can you? Thanks!

    • Thank you for listening to the stories! Do you have a cover picture of the story – Little Blue Truck? If so, please send a picture to info(at)MissPandaChinese(dot)com so I can locate it. Let’s Always Keep Learning Fun! ~MissPanda

  12. Nihao Laoshi
    we love listening to your stories. and we would love to have vocabulary list to improve our language skills.
    Can you help out? Feichang ganxie ni!

  13. Hello, Miss Panda, the first video I watched is London Bridge Falling Down and I did the same to my 1.5year old daughter, she laughed so much. Thank you for your euthanasia.

    • Hi Jianer, I was delighted to hear about how much your daughter enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing it with me. Songs and movements are wonderful for language and motor skill development so keep them in your daily play time.

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