After a busy day | Miss Panda Chinese

Amy is tired.  She had a busy long day at work.  Finally, dinner is done and she just wants to take a break.  Little Josh is playing with his sister, Mary.  “Maybe, we can skip today,” Amy thought.  Skip the Chinese routine that she has started a couple of weeks ago.

Don’t skip it.

Don’t!  Keep it, even it is only 5 minutes.

You can make it short and sweet for you and the kids.  Try one of the following activities with your child.

Even when you think you are too tired to do it.  You can still keep the Chinese routine.  You might say,”It is so short. ”   But, even if you just listen to one Chinese song, or sing one Chinese nursery rhyme together.

It still counts.

I have been there.  Many parents also have been through this.  But, we made it and we did it.

So, do it anyway. One song.  A story.  Just listen.

Consistency is a game.  It is a little game that challenges you from time to time.  The more little pieces you collect the bigger the result is.  You won’t see it right away because it takes time.

Because people don’t see the result in a short time that is why they quit at the beginning stage.

Next time after a busy day you know now what you can do for the Chinese routine with your child.

That is where things add up and your kids will benefit from it.

Do it anyway.   Be proud of yourself!


photo image by Vladimir Pustovit

After a busy day | Miss Panda Chinese