Pi in Many Language!  Multilingual children celebrate Pi day in Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish in this video!  Hop in and join us!

Pi day Pi in many languages | Miss Panda Chinese

Pi π Day is on March 14 and it is celebrated all over the world.  Pi (π in Greek) is a mathematics symbol.  3.14 is usually what we use when working on the simple calculation of a circle.  For children who are learning languages this day can be a fun day for reading the digits of π.  How many digits can you read in one breath?  How many digits can you read in 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds…  We are not having a reciting challenge we are playing with the numbers in Pi π.  The infinite nature of Pi π has endless possibilities for number activities in different languages.  What a fun activity for bilingual children!

Pi day Pi in many languages | Miss Panda Chinese

Miss Panda’s cub kicks off the π Day Celebration video with multilingual children in Mandarin Chinese.  MeiMei is wearing braces now but she is doing a fabulous job to make sure all the numbers are said clearly.  Mama Tortuga brings us Pi π in Spanish.  Our Spanish presenter is 9 years old.  Her reading is so much fun with all the excitement in the background as well.  Raising World Citizens shows us how to read digits of Pi π in French as a duet.  It is impressive to hear the beauty of the rhythm by our French presenters.  Trilingual Children are located in Europe.  They show us how to read π in Italian and Russian in the most adorable and playful way.  Our presenters are 5-year-old and 7-year-old.   Watch the video below and join us to celebrate the fun reading of the numbers of π.  Follow the number in the picture below and say it with us in your target language!



Follow the numbers below and read with us in your target language!  A fun Multilingual Children brain workout!

Pi day Pi in many languages | Miss Panda Chinese

Let’s say the digits of Pi in your target language


How many Pi = π= 派 can you spot in the picture below?

派 – pài is how we say pi π in Chinese.   This character 派 – pài is also used for “pie!”

Pi day Pi in many languages | Miss Panda Chinese

Happy Pi π Day!

Add playful number words to your Chinese daily learning!

Teach Chinese St Patrick's Day Number 1 to 10 activities | Miss Panda Chinese

Available versions:

Traditional Chinese with Pinyin and English support.

Simplified Chinese with Pinyin and English support.

Teach Chinese Number word 1 to 20 activities | Miss Panda Chinese

Available versions:

Traditional Chinese with Pinyin and English support.

Simplified Chinese with Pinyin and English support.

Teach Chinese Number word 1 to 100 activities | Miss Panda Chinese

Available versions:

Traditional Chinese with Pinyin and English support.

Simplified Chinese with Pinyin and English support.


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