Miss Panda would like to share two story videos with you. The two books are published by cwbook in Taiwan. The reading of the books is in Mandarin Chinese with clear pronunciation. Even though, there is no subtitle in the video young children can hear the narration, conversation and dialogue in a radio drama style. This is good listening comprehension material for children (Pre K – Gr. 6) with some Chinese Mandarin background.
Duǎn ěr tù – 短耳兔 – Short-eared Rabbit
shí jiǔ gè yě yā tou hàn wǒ – 19個野丫頭和我 [19个野丫头和我] – Nineteen Girls and Me
Videos in this post, courtesy of 【親子天下】Education Parenting Family Lifestyle.
Read and read more in Mandarin Chinese to your child if you speak the target language. For parents whose target language is not Chinese you can use YouTube videos, stories in CD or MP3 format, story Apps, and Chinese online radio to create a Mandarin Chinese learning environment for your young learners. Let’s always keep learning fun!
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