Chinese Through Story Dancing Grandpa!  I am sharing a video below and tell a short story about it.  First, look at the picture?  What do you see?  Who are these two people?  What are they doing?  After this mini story you might want to check out this list of 10 great children’s books in Chinese.

Chinese through story dancing grandpa | Miss Panda Chinese

image courtesy of MiaoPai 秒拍

High frequency words and key words in Chinese through story dancing grandpa are:

to do, to be (at a place), this is, question word – what, there is, too, dance, cool.

Mini Chinese Story for Kids: Dancing Grandpa

Yé ye zài zuò shén me 爺爺在做什麼? 

[English – Pinyin – traditional Chinese]

  • This is a park.

Zhè shì gōng yuán. 這是公園。

  • There is a big sister.

Yǒu yī gè jiě jie. 有一個姊姊。

  • There is a big sister dancing.

Yǒu yī gè jiě jie zài tiào wǔ. 有一個姊姊在跳舞。

  • There is a Grandpa.

Yǒu yī gè yé ye. 有一個爺爺。

  • There is a Granda dancing, too.

Yǒu yī gè yé ye yě zài tiào wǔ. 有一個爺爺也在跳舞。

  • This big sister is cool.

Zhè ge jiě jie kù. 這個姊姊酷。

  • This grandpa is cool.

Zhè ge yé ye hǎo kù.  這個爺爺好酷。

  • Big sister can dance.

Jiě jie huì tiào wǔ.  姊姊會跳舞。

  • Grandpa can dance, too.

Yé yé ye huì tiào wǔ.   爺爺也會跳舞。

Watch the video and see if you can follow the steps and dance with the big sister and the Grandpa!


Yé ye zài zuò shén me  爷爷在做什么

[English – Pinyin – simplified  Chinese]

This is a park.

Zhè shì gōng yuán. 这是公园。

There is a big sister. –

Yǒu yī gè jiě jie. 有一个姊姊。

There is a big sister dancing.

Yǒu yī gè jiě jie zài tiào wǔ. 有一个姊姊在跳舞。

There is a Grandpa.

Yǒu yī gè yé ye. 有一个爷爷。

There is a Granda dancing, too.
Yǒu yī gè yé ye yě zài tiào wǔ. 有一个爷爷也在跳舞。

This big sister is cool.
Zhè ge jiě jie kù. 这个姊姊酷。

This grandpa is very cool.

Zhège yé ye hǎo kù.   这个爷爷好酷。

Big sister can dance.

Jiě jie huì tiào wǔ. 姊姊会跳舞。  

Grandpa can dance, too.

Yé ye yě huì tiào wǔ.   爷爷也会跳舞。


Ask questions about this short story:  I use this part to expand vocabulary.  For this story, I focus on location words, family members, and action verbs (walk, jump, …etc.)

1.  Where is the big sister?  Is she at home?  Is she at the zoo?

2.  Who is at park? (Grandma, little sister, little/big brother…etc.

3.  Is the big brother at the park?  Is the Grandma at the park?

4.  Is Grandpa walking?  Is Granda jumping?  Is Grandpa dancing?

5.  Is this a cool Grandpa?  Is this a cool big sister?

Listen to Chinese through story dancing grandpa, click here.

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  1. Thank you so much for your time posting. It’s so useful. I do have a question regarding grandpa. What is the correct names used for grandma and grandpa on the mothers side?

    • Aubrey,
      Grandfather on Dad’s side is Yéyé 爺爺|爷爷
      Grandmother on Dad’s side is nǎinai 奶奶

      Grandfather on Mom’s side is wài gōng 外公
      Grandmother on Mom’s side is wài pó 外婆

      There are a few variations but these are the formal titles and most commonly used names for grandparents on both sides. I hope it answers your question. Let’s always keep learning fun! -Amanda Miss Panda