Welcome the holiday season with Chinese Christmas Carols and Chinese classic pop songs performed by Chinese Flash Mob groups! As children are counting down to the Christmas day you can add Chinese Christmas carols and Chinese songs to the daily routine. Music and songs are fun and engaging tools for acquiring languages.
From Taiwan to China, here are three outdoor celebration concerts that will take you to experience the joy of music. You will hear Chinese Christmas songs and Chinese classic pop songs that are loved by the Chinese communities worldwide for decades. Children will hear tunes that they are familiar with. And, the songs are in Mandarin Chinese.
With repeated text in songs, it is a lot of fun to sing along and to tell the story. Do you know there is a story in each song? What is your favorite song? Think about it. Why do you like it? How do you feel when you listen to it? These are some questions you can ask your students after you listen to a new song with them together.
I always like to share the meaning of the lyrics with kids. There are games that you can play with the song lyrics. Simple literacy games! My students found out that Chinese Christmas carol, Jingle Bells, has the same tune as the English version. They also realized that the Chinese lyrics are quite different from the English version.
Simple literacy games that you can play with songs:
- Sing One Line challenge
- Creative Movement with one line lyrics
- Song Sequence with lyrics picture-label(word) cards
- Song lyrics comparison (original English lyrics vs. Chinese lyrics of the same song)
- Song Lyrics Scramble by lines (scramble with one line lyrics, NOT single word!)
- Chinese Phrase Search in Song Lyrics
- Take “Chinese Jingle Bells” song as an example: circle the action words, circle Santa Claus, circle Jingle Bells…
Culture is an experience and music is one of them. You can take it beyond the basics and take kids to explore more about a culture from a simple song.
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When you first introduce a Chinese Christmas carol to children they don’t know the lyrics. They might only know a few words, phrases, or sentences of the text. However, the tune, the rhythm, the repeated pattern of words and the sound of instruments deliver a message.

Chinese Jingle Bells Lyrics and Picture-Label Cards
Once, a young student told me that he wanted to jump up and down after listening to the Chinese Christmas carol, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas!” So we did just that jumping up and down with the class while singing his favorite line in the lyrics. Of course, more shared what they think about the song. This is an entertaining music activity for young learners.
Enjoy watching and listening to this collection of Chinese flash mob performances from the other side of the world! Have a lot of fun teaching during this holiday season!
Chinese Christmas Carols with Christmas Eve Flash Mob, Taiwan
- Audio: English and Chinese
Chinese Christmas Carols with Campus Songs Revisited Flash Mob, Taiwan.
- Audio: Chinese
Chinese classic and pop songs Flash Mob, China
- Audio: Chinese (songs) and Sichuan dialect (some interviews at the end.)
Chinese Campus Songs Revisited Flash Mob, Taiwan
Audio: Chinese