Summer Chinese Reading Program GIVEAWAY! (2017)
Are you ready to add wonderful Chinese language books, Chinese-English bilingual culture books and English culture books to your home library or class library? When your child has easy access to books, word wall, word games, board games and child-friendly print materials at home you have created a literacy-rich environment for your young learner.
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” — Walt Disney
Register in our 2017 Summer Chinese Reading Program today and enter the Summer Reading Program giveaway!
Here are 12 wonderful Chinese language and Chinese Culture books for you to take home!
Grand prize (2 winners):
Each winner will receive 3 books from the book list below.
First prize (3 winners):
Each winner will receive 2 books from the book below.
Special Thanks to Tuttle Publishing!

Books for the Summer Reading Program Giveaway
Let’s take a look at these 12 wonderful books.
1. The Little Monkey King’s Journey: Stories of the Chinese Zodiac (English-Chinese bilingual)
This book has beautiful illustration. It is an adaption from the well-know Chinese classic, “The Journey to the West.” Good read for ages Pre K – Gr. 3.
2. Cang Jie: The Inventor of Chinese Characters (English-Chinese bilingual)
Have you even wonder how Chinese characters were created? This is a wonderful book to learn about the history and the story behind the formation of Chinese characters. Good read for ages 4+
3. All About China: Stories, Songs, Crafts and More for Kids (English)
This book is written by Allison Branscombe, an avid writer and a mother who adopted two children from China. Her thorough research about Chinese culture is impressive. It is a resourceful book that every home and every classroom should have. Good read for ages 3+
4. Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes: Share and Sing in Two languages with CD (English-Chinese bilingual)
A beautiful book and CD with Chinese-English bilingual classic nursery rhymes performed by a mother (also a Chinese teacher) and daughter duo. Good read for ages 3+
5. My First Book of Chinese Words: An ABC Rhyming Book (English-Chinese bilingual)
A is for Aì 愛 爱 which means “love.” Alphabet order leads the way to introduce Chinese words to young learners. This is a beautiful picture book with Pinyin, simplified Chinese character, and traditional Chinese character support. Good read for ages preschool and up.
6. Mei Mei’s Lucky Birthday Noodles: A Loving Story of Adoption, Chinese Culture and a Special Birthday Treat (English)
This is a beautiful picture book with a touching story. Mei Mei is Chinese, but not her parents. Mom and Dad adopted her when she was a baby. They wanted Mei Mei to learn about her heritage- Chinese culture! Every year on her birthday Mom always makes her a special Chinese treat. You will follow this special day with Mei Mei and see the adoptive experience. Good reader for ages 4+
7. Let’s Learn Mandarin Chinese kit: 64 Basic Mandarin Chinese Words and Their Uses (Flashcards, Audio CD, Games, Songs, Learning Guide and Wall Chart) – (Chinese language teaching/learning)
Chinese learning material with Pinyin, simplified Chinese, and English support. Chinese character, Chinese writing stroke orders, sample sentences with the featured Chinese words are included in each flash card. The flashcards are divided into seven categories: (1) Basic etiquette and daily routines (2) Family members (3) Identifying Objects (4) Body parts (5) Multiplication table (6) Tell me what you like or not like (7)Tell me what you like to do. This is an excellent Chinese teaching resource with great visual.
8. Chinese for Beginners: Mastering Conversational Chinese with audio CD (Chinese language teaching/learning)
This is a good book for non-native speaking parents. Each chapter included vocabulary, dialogues and culture information. This is a book written by an experienced Chinese instructor.
9. Chinese Origami for Children (English)
Origami is called paper-folding in Chinese. There are 30 simple paper folding projects including 12 Chinese birth sign (zodiac) animals for children in this book. A great culture craft book for home or in the classroom. Good read for ages: 5 and up
10. What Was It Like, Mr. Emperor?: Life in China’s Forbidden City (English)
What a fun book to learn about the life of Chinese Emperors in the Forbidden City! This resourceful book is packed with Chinese history and engaging stories. Readers have the opportunity to ask emperor questions about his life in the palace, his school, his allowance, and much more! Good read for ages 8 and up.
11. Chinese for Kids Flash Cards Kit: Simplified Characters Flash cards, CD, Wall Chart and Learning Guide (Chinese language learning)
A visual learning tool with audio support. Chinese learning material with Pinyin, simplified Chinese, and English support. Chinese character, Chinese writing stroke orders, sample sentences with the featured Chinese words are included in each flash card.
12. Learning Chinese Characters: A Revolutionary New Way to Learn and Remember the 800 Most Basic Chinese Characters (Chinese language learning)
The teaching strategy of this book uses mnemonics for Chinese character learning. It introduces the formation methods of Chinese characters and break down the characters to basic parts (radicals). This is a good teaching resource and reference for non-native speaking parents.
Let’s Always Keep Learning Fun! Let’s Read with Our Child Every Day!
REGISTER in the Summer Reading Program and Enter the GIVEAWAY!
Best luck to you!
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Within books one can find a mansion of gold. Within books one can find treasure. – Emperor Sòng Zhēn Zōng, China
My daughters are 11 and 12 years old. From the summer reading booklist we are most interested in “Where the Mountain Meets the Moon” (because we love Grace Lin books), and “It’s All Chinese to Me.” From the Giveaway list, we are most interested in the “Let’s Learn Chinese Kit” and “Learning Chinese Characters.” My girls are at an age where the want to learn to read and write in Mandarin.
They all look amazing! My kids would especially like the origami and the nursery rhymes books–my kids are 1, 4, 7, and 9.
All of ths books look wonderful! My kids are aged 5.5 and 8. I am especially interested in the Monkey King book, Cang Jie, and Learning Chinese Characters.
Thank you for these great resource recommendations! My children are 3, 6, and 8 years old. I would like the Chinese and English nursery rhymes book, and Chinese for Beginners.
I love that you are doing this!! Our daughter will be home one year in September from China and we are excited to learn Mandarin together as a family. Thank you for all your resources. 🙂
I had wanted to start a Chinese book club this summer with my kids and maybe invite a few friends! You made it easier! Thanks for the book list! I love the book Mei Mei’s Lucky Birthday Noodles to own! Cang Jie and What is it Like, Mr Emperor? sounds interesting too! Thank you!
I’m very interested in all these reads! Especially the origami one and my first words Chinese book! Thank you!!
My kids are 5, 2 & 3 months. They would especially enjoy the nursery rhymes book & my first book of Chinese words. I am so happy to have discovered your site!
Sarah, Welcome to our bilingual family community. I hope you use all the resources here and enjoy them with your bilingual kids. How wonderful to have your feedback and connect with you here. Let’s always keep learning fun! -Amanda Miss Panda
These books seem great. Its hard to pick. I think Chinese Origami for Children and What Was It Like, Mr. Emperor? There just so hard to pick. But thank you
I would love to have these for my great Nieces and Great Nephew to play & learn with,
My kids are 7, 2, 1. My ABC running book, my first book of Chinese words