Thanksgiving Fun SheetThanksgiving is almost here! The holiday season is a great time to introduce fun and exciting new words, phrases, and sentences to children in your target language.  My kids and I put together a fun word list every week. We talk about the meaning of each word.  We make sentences and we make up a story using as many new words/phrases as possible.  Then we cook and bake to make our tummies happy while we are learning.  Here is the word list and sentence to know for Thanksgiving.

Let’s review the words for family members and use them in sentences:

1.  Who do you want to give thanks for?
= 你要謝謝誰? – 你要谢谢谁? –Nǐ yào xiè xiè shuí?
{Above: English – traditional characters – simplified character – pinyin}
我要謝謝我的 ___ 和 ___.  –  我要谢谢我的___ 和 ___.
– Wǒ yào xiè xiè wǒ de _____ hàn _____.
( =I want to thank my ___ and ___.)
{Above: traditional characters – simplified character – pinyin. English translation.}
2. What do you want to eat?
= 你要吃什麼?-  你要吃什么?-  Nǐ yào chī shén me?
我要吃 ___ 和 ___. – Wǒ yào chī _____ hàn _____.
( =I want to eat  ___ and ___.)
{Above: traditional characters – pinyin. Note:  When when there is no simplified version that means it is using the traditional characters.  English translation.}

Download the THANKSGIVING fun sheet below for FREE!

Miss Panda Chinese Fun Sheet series - Thanksgiving!

Miss Panda Chinese Fun Sheet series – Thanksgiving!


Chinese Mini Lesson Holiday Series by Miss Panda Chinese.

Happy Thanksgiving! Gǎn ēn jié kuài lè! 感恩節快樂


Author: Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, Miss Panda Chinese  (c)2012  All Rights Reserved









