Happy First Day of School in Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese


Happy first day of school!

School is about to begin for many children.  Do you have a child who is starting preschool or kindergarten soon?  Do you have an older child who is heading back to school after the summer vacation?  Talk about schools outside of your local community is a way for your child to know about what kids in another part of the world do at the beginning of the year.

Here in the States the elementary school hours are usually from 8:00 am to about 3:00 pm.

In Taiwan, elementary school students’ hours at school are usually from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.  But, the kids in lower grades sometimes have a couple of half days at school every week.  Many Chinese students continue their day after school in private learning centers until 6:00 pm or so.  English, Math, and science are among the most popular subjects for after school programs.

After school program for children in China is also very popular and learning English is one of the top subjects for kids.

The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time for children who are going to school for the first time.  For Chinese kids, they usually will have a new school bag, water bottle, and school uniforms.  In addition, they will have a new set of school supplies like pencils, erasers, and pencil box.

In Germany, the first day of school in the first grade is a celebration.  It is a special day for children who begin their very first day of school.  It is called SchultüteEach child receives a paper cone that is filled with gifts and treats by their parents and sometimes grandparents to highlight this special day.

Here are the expressions you can say to your child on her first day of school or the beginning of the new school year!

  • English – traditional Chinese – pinyin – simplified Chinese
  • Happy first day of school!


Kāixué kuàilè


  • Have a fantastic first day of school!

祝你 開學 第一天 超級棒!

Zhù nǐ kāixué dì yī tiān chāojí bàng!

祝你 开学 第一天 超级棒!

Here is another way to say it:

祝你 有個 超級棒的 開學 第一天

Zhù nǐ yǒu gè chāojí bàng de kāixué dì yī tiān

祝你 有个 超级棒的 开学 第一天

  • Have a fantastic first day!

祝你 有個 超級棒的  第一天

Zhù nǐ yǒu gè chāojí bàng de dì yī tiān

祝你 有个 超级棒的  第一天

  • I love you!


wǒ ài nǐ


  • See you after school!


fàngxué jiàn



Here is the audio for these five expressions.  Use the pinyin as a reference.  You are doing great and I am so happy to see you here.

Which ones are you planning to say to your child?


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Happy First Day of School in Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese

Happy First Day of School in Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese