Miss Panda Chinese provides high quality and engaging Chinese language and culture learning resources for family and children with limited or no Chinese language background. Play-based and fun-filled learning every day!
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[full_width]Miss Panda’s PDF Downloadable Lessons and Learning Units Collection:
Chinese New Year Greetings & Crafts Unit (Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version)

Miss Panda Chinese theme-based learning unit: Chinese New Year Greetings and Crafts

Chinese New Year Greetings and Crafts Learning Unit with culture highlights
Chinese New Year: Greetings & Crafts with Culture Highlights Unit includes:
– Chinese New Year (CNY) Greeting Signs: Posters, trace and decorate pages.
– CNY Greetings smart sheet in Chinese.
– Trace and Write: Year of the Rooster/Chicken – 2 characters.
– Lucky word culture sheet and Lucky word craft sheet.
– Red envelop templates (5): print and make!
– Paper cutting templates (5): print and make!
– Rooster craft templates (4): print and create!
– Year of the Rooster lantern templates (2): print and create!
Picture tutorials are included for paper-cutting crafts.
There is one version in this unit –
1) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
Variations are included in-
(2) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin (Lucky phrases section)
(3) Simplified Chinese (Lucky phrases section)
***Traditional Chinese characters are included with simplified characters in a few pages to ensure culture understanding and comparison.
This unit is a hands-on learning unit with culture activities and important and fun culture information highlights.This is a fantastic unit for Global education-Chinese culture program, Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschooling.
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and world culture program.
Total page for this unit: 55 pages
Chinese New Year: Greetings & Crafts Unit (Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version)

Miss Panda Chinese theme-based learning unit: Chinese New Year Greetings and Crafts

Preview of Chinese New Year Greetings and Crafts Unit
Chinese New Year: Greetings & Crafts with Culture Highlights Unit includes:
– Chinese New Year (CNY) Greeting Signs: Posters, trace and decorate pages.
– CNY Greetings smart sheet in Chinese.
– Trace and Write: Year of the Rooster/Chicken – 2 characters.
– Lucky word culture sheet and Lucky word craft sheet.
– Red envelop templates (5): print and make!
– Paper cutting templates (5): print and make!
– Rooster craft templates (4): print and create!
– Year of the Rooster lantern templates (2): print and create!
Picture tutorials are included for paper-cutting crafts.
This is a traditional Chinese version unit –
1) Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
with variations as below.
2) Traditional Chinese-Pinyin. (poster pages)
3) Traditional Chinese. (poster pages)
***Simplified Chinese characters are included alone with simplified characters in a few pages to ensure culture understanding and comparison.
This unit is a hands-on learning unit with culture activities and important and fun culture information highlights.This is a fantastic unit for Global education-Chinese culture program, Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschooling.
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and world culture program.
Total page for this unit: 55 pages
The 12 Chinese Animal Signs Activity & Culture
(Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version)

Chinese New Year: The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture (Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English)
The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture unit includes:
-Coloring pages of each animal with year listing
-The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs and their characteristics cards
-“What is your birth sign?” communicative activity
-Learning the order of the 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs activity
-Trace and write
-Game cards
-Teaching notes are include in this unit.
There is one version in this packet.
1) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
This unit is great for Global education-Chinese culture program, Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschooling.
Total page for this unit: 15 pages
The 12 Chinese Animal Signs Activity & Culture
(Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version)

Chinese New Year: The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture (Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English)
The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture unit includes:
-Coloring pages of each animal with year listing
-The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs and their characteristics cards
-“What is your birth sign?” communicative activity
-Learning the order of the 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs activity
-Trace and write
-Game cards
-Teaching notes are include in this unit.
There is one version in this packet.
1)Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
Total page for this unit: 15 pages
The 12 Chinese Animal Signs Activity & Culture
(Simplified Chinese 3-in-1)

The 12 Chinese Animal Signs Activity & Culture
(Simplified Chinese 3-in-1)
Chinese Lunar New Year – The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture unit includes:
-Coloring pages of each animal with year listing
-The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs and their characteristics cards
-“What is your birth sign?” communicative activity
-Learning the order of the 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs activity
-Trace and write
-Game cards
-Teaching notes are include in this unit.
There are three versions in this packet to meet your teaching needs.
Simplified Chinese full pack includes:
1)Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
2)Simplified Chinese-Pinyin version.
3)Simplified Chinese characters only version.
This unit is great for Global education-Chinese culture program, Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschooling.
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and world culture program.
Total page for this unit: 50 pages
The 12 Chinese Animal Signs Activity & Culture
(Traditional Chinese 3-in-1)

Chinese New Year: The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture (Traditional Chinese 3-in-1)
The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs Activity & Culture unit includes:
-Coloring pages of each animal with year listing
-The 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs and their characteristics cards
-“What is your birth sign?” communicative activity
-Learning the order of the 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs activity
-Trace and write
-Game cards
-Teaching notes are include in this unit.
There are three versions in this packet to meet your teaching needs.
Traditional Chinese full pack includes:
1)Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
2)Traditional Chinese-Pinyin version.
3)Traditional Chinese characters only version.
Total page for this unit: 50 pages
“Christmas Learning Unit” Simplified Chinese 3-in-1 Pack (downloadable PDF)
This Unit includes 3 versions: (1) Simplified Chinese version (2) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin version (3) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version

Christmas Learning Unit in Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English (3 versions)
“Christmas Learning Unit ” Simplified Chinese 3-in-1 Pack (downloadable PDF)
This unit includes 3 versions: (1) Simplified Chinese version (2) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin version (3) Simplified Chinese-Pinyin-English version.
78-page fun each version/ a total of 275 pages
Christmas Unit with key phrases, sentences, picture cards, character cards, story cubes, hands-on activity pages, center activities and “Christmas” easy reader story pages. This is a fantastic December and winter break packet for Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschool.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Starting your countdown page and learning about key phrases for Christmas in a joyful and fun style. Make sure you help Santa for a exciting holiday season!
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and Read Aloud sessions.
1. Flash cards: picture cards-word cards (x16) and matching Chinese character cards (x16).
2. Tell a Story: Flip-the-Flap story pages. – 5 pages
3. Story Cubes: Make your own dice template and throw the dice! Tell me a story with the word/phrase or picture on top! (5 cube templates) – 5 pages
4. Activity Time: 14 pages
– Coloring
– Cutting and pasting
– Sorting and counting number fun
5. Center & Individual Learning: 29 pages
– Christmas countdown sheet
– Word/phrase label fun
– World/phrase search challenge
– Help Santa Maze: help Santa to find his reindeer, gift sack, and socks!!!
– Spot the differences fun sheets: Open your eyes big and wide and see if you can spot the difference!
-Merry Christmas Poster project: Decorating your own “Merry Christmas” poster and decorating the individual character “Merry Christmas” poster for your home or your classroom!
7. A delightful “Christmas” story: Join big sister and younger brother for their playful day on Christmas! – 17 pages 8.Teaching notes are included in each section of this unit.
Total Pages: 253. |Answer Key: Included at the end of the packet. |Teaching & Joyful Learning Duration: 2 weeks.
If you have any questions regarding this learning unit please feel free to email me at info(at)misspandachinese(dot)com. Kindly include your email address and name.
Let’s Always Make Learning Fun! ~ Miss Panda
*Simplified Chinese versions: “Christmas Learning Unit” (downloadable PDF)
Fun-Packed “Christmas Learning Unit” Traditional Chinese 3-in-1 Pack (downloadable PDF)
This Unit includes 3 versions: (1) Traditional Chinese version (2) Traditional Chinese-Pinyin version (3) Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version

Merry Christmas winter break theme-based learning unit
Traditional Chinese Units: Three versions are included. (3-in-1 pack)
(1)Traditional Chinese version (2) Traditional Chinese-Pinyin version (3) Traditional Chinese-Pinyin-English version.*
78-page fun each version/a total of 253 pages.
Christmas Unit with key phrases, sentences, picture cards, character cards, story cubes, hands-on activity pages, center activities and “Christmas” easy reader story pages. This is a fantastic December and winter break packet for Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschool.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Starting your countdown page and learning about key phrases for Christmas in a joyful and fun style. Make sure you help Santa for a exciting holiday season!
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and Read Aloud sessions.
1. Flash cards: picture cards-word cards and Chinese character cards. 4 cards per page/32 cards.
2. Tell a Story: Flip-the-Flap story pages. – 5 pages
3. Story Cubes: Make your own dice template and throw the dice! Tell me a story with the word/phrase or picture on top! (5 cube templates) – 5 pages
4. Activity Time: 14 pages
– Coloring
– Cutting and pasting
– Sorting and counting number fun
5. Center & Individual Learning: 29 pages
– Christmas countdown sheet
– Word/phrase label fun
– World/phrase search challenge
– Help Santa Maze: help Santa to find his reindeer, gift sack, and socks!!!
– Spot the differences fun sheets: Open your eyes big and wide and see if you can spot the difference!
-Merry Christmas Poster project: Decorating your own “Merry Christmas” poster and decorating the individual character “Merry Christmas” poster for your home or your classroom!
7. A delightful “Christmas” story: Join big sister and younger brother for their playful day on Christmas! – 17 pages 8.Teaching notes are included in each section of this unit.
Total Pages: 253. |Answer Key: Included at the end of the packet. |Teaching & Joyful Learning Duration: 2 Weeks.
If you have any questions regarding this learning unit please feel free to email me at info(at)misspandachinese(dot)com. Kindly include your email address and name.
Let’s Always Make Learning Fun! ~ Miss Panda
*Traditional Chinese: “Christmas Learning Unit” (downloadable PDF)
“30 Basic Chinese Characters Unit” (downloadable PDF)
30 Basic Chinese Characters with 30 characters, matching picture with characters, phrase/sentence cards, and activity pages. This is an easy introduction packet for Chinese dual language programs, Chinese language immersion programs, and homeschool. Characters in this unit are carefully selected from pictogram and symbol groups so the students can visualize the formation and concept of each word.
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time.
1. Flash cards: picture cards and word cards with Chinese characters
-Picture cards with Chinese character, pinyin and English Picture cards (30 cards)
-Character cards with pinyin and English translation (30 cards)
-Picture cards with Chinese character with pinyin (30 cards)
-Character cards with pinyin (30 cards)
-Picture cards with Chinese character only (30 cards)
-Character cards with word only (30 cards)
2. Matching Activity Sheets (10 pages/ 3 pictures and 3 blank spaces per page)
-Picture cards with picture only
-Blank Sheets with Character cards placement space
3. Phrase and Sentence cards: in Chinese characters, pinyin and English (6 cards); in Chinese characters and pinyin (6 cards); in Chinese characters only (6 cards).
4. Simplified Chinese character edition is included in this unit.
5. Teaching notes are included in each section of this unit.
Total page for this unit: 68 pages
If you have any questions regarding this unit/product please feel free to email me at info(at)misspandachinese(dot)com. Kindly include your email address and name.
Let’s Always Make Learning Fun! ~ Miss Panda
68-page “30 Basic Chinese Characters Unit” (downloadable PDF)
(After payment, click on the file name in the Purchase Confirmation page to download.)________________________________________________
75-page “Chinese Number Unit – 0 to 100” (downloadable PDF)
Numbers Unit with number, number & picture, and phrase cards, activities, and “Five Little Monkeys” reading pages. This is an excellent packet for Chinese dual language programs, Chinese language immersion programs, and homeschools.
If you can count from 1 to 10 in Chinese, then you can count all the way to 99! Let’s learn how to count from 0 to 100 in Chinese!
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and Read Aloud sessions.
1. Flash cards: picture cards and word cards with Chinese characters and Arabic numbers (60 cards)
-Cupcake picture cards with Chinese numbers (30 cards)
-Word cards in Chinese characters and pinyin match with picture cards (30 cards)
2. Number cards: 0 – 100 in Chinese characters only (101 cards)
3. Word and phrase cards: number, count, count to, place value ones, place value tens, place value hundreds in Chinese characters, pinyin and English (6 cards)
4. Activity Fun pages:
– Make Your Own Dice templates (4 dice templates: ones; tens, and one hundred in Chinese characters.)
– Chinese number BINGO cards (4 pages) – Train Car Counting Relay (5 pages)
– Cupcake Counting (2 pages)
5. Trace Chinese characters (16 characters)
6. Characters with stroke order (16 characters)
7. Reading Circus:
-Read numbers in Chinese (2 pages)
-Read phone numbers in Chinese (1 page)
-“Five Little Monkeys” reading (3 pages): Chinese characters with pinyin and English translation; Chinese characters with pinyin only; Chinese characters only.
8. Simplified Chinese character edition is included in this set.
9. Teaching notes are included in each section of this unit.
Total Pages: 75, Answer Key: N/A, Teaching Duration: 1 Week
If you have any questions regarding this unit/product please feel free to email me at info(at)misspandachinese(dot)com. Kindly include your email address and name.
Let’s Always Make Learning Fun! ~ Miss Panda
75-page “Chinese Number Unit – 0 to 100” (downloadable PDF)
(After payment, click on the file name in the Purchase Confirmation page to download.)
70-page “Chinese Halloween” Flash Cards, Games, and Reading (downloadable PDF)
Happy Halloween unit with picture, phrase, sentence pattern cards, activities pages, and an early reader story. Great for Chinese dual language programs, Chinese language immersion programs, and homeschools.
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, Individual or Group Activity time, and Read Aloud.
1. Flash cards: picture cards, word cards, phrase cards and sentence pattern cards with Chinese characters, pinyin and English. (54 cards total)
– Picture cards for Halloween (24 cards)
– Word cards match with picture cards (24 cards)
– Phrase/sentence cards (4 cards)
– Sentence pattern cards (2 cards)
2. Coloring pages with Chinese characters, pinyin and English (5 pages).
3. Fun Sheets: Maze Game level 1 and level 2 (9 pages)
4. Trace, color & make posters: horizontal posters (3) and big character poster (1)
5. Characters with stroke order (5 characters)
6. Reading Circus: Fun reading with short sentences.
7. Chinese character only edition: picture flashcards (24 cards); number 1-10 sheet; Reading Circus pages
8. Chinese Simplified characters edition is included in this set.
9. Teaching notes are included in each section of this unit.
If you have any questions regarding this unit/product please feel free to email me at info(at)misspandachinese(dot)com. Kindly include your email address and name.
Let’s Always Make Learning Fun! ~ Miss Panda
Total Pages: 70, Answer Key: N/A, Teaching Duration: 1 Week
70-page “Chinese Halloween” (downloadable PDF)
(After payment, click on the file name in the Purchase Confirmation page to download.)
30-page “Days of the Week” (downloadable PDF)
Days of the Week unit with words, phrases, and sentences. Great for Chinese dual language program, Chinese language immersion program and homeschool.
Theme-based learning for Circle Time, activity session, and interactive game time.
1. Flash cards: numbers, days of the week, and sentences (26 cards) in Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
– numbers/words for days of the week (8 cards)
– days of the week (12 cards)
– Today is…; Yesterday was…; Tomorrow will be… (3 cards)
– What day is today?; What day was yesterday?; What day will be tomorrow: (3 cards)
2. Flash cards: with only Chinese characters (26 cards).
3. Game: Hands-on project. Happy Days of the Week wheel.
4. Writing: Word pages with stroke orders (10 characters)
5. Activity pages: Tracing word pages.
6. Reading Circus: Fun reading with short sentences.
7. Matching: Activity page for using the days of the week in daily activities.
8. Chinese Simplified characters edition included in this set.
9. Answer key included. (CH traditional & Simplified characters, pinyin and English).
10. Teaching notes are included in each section of this unit.
If you have any questions regarding this unit/product please feel free to email me at info(at)misspandachinese(dot)com. Kindly include your email address and name.
Let’s Always Make Learning Fun! ~ Miss Panda
Total Pages: 30, Answer Key: Included, Teaching Duration: 1 Week
30-page “Days of the Week” (downloadable PDF)
(After payment, click on the file name in the Purchase Confirmation page to download.)
Sample Unit: “Moon Festival” (downloadable PDF) – FREE!

Sample Learning Unit – Chinese Culture: Mid Autumn Moon Festival
Chinese Language & Culture: The Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. This learning set includes:
2017 update! Sample material for Chinese language and Chinese culture. This sample material is a part of a full learning unit that has been used in schools (Pre K – Gr. 6) and have been enjoyed by hundreds of children. This learning unit is designed with non-heritage Chinese students and non-Chinese speaking students in mind.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chinese Language & Culture: The Mid Autumn Moon Festival. This sample learning unit includes: (10 pages)
Chinese Section: Chinese Phrase
See it & Say it: Chinese characters
See it & Say it: Sentence Pattern
Play & Learn
Theme-based Chinese Reader
Learning About Chinese Culture
Answer Key
10-page “Mid Autumn Moon Festival” – Sample Learning Unit (downloadable PDF) – FREE!