Confucius for kids- Chinese Culture for Kids series is featuring Confucius!

Confucius 孔子 is the greatest teacher 至聖先師 | 至圣先师 in Chinese culture!  He is the greatest teacher, sage, and philosopher in Chinese history.  September 28 is Teachers’ Day 教師節 | 教师节 in Taiwan.  It is the birthday of  Confucius.

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Quick Facts about Confucius

  • The Greatest teacher, sage, and philosopher in Chinese culture.

  • Born in 551 B.C.E.  Died in 479 B.C.E.  Hometown: Qufu, China.

  • The book of his teaching is the Confucian Analects –論語 Lún yǚ.   

  • Confucius’ teaching principals are focused on benevolence-仁.

  • Confucius wanted to teach his disciples to be gentlemen-君子.

Who Is Confucius

Chinese children call Confucius 孔子 or 孔夫子.  His formal name is 孔丘 and lived in the Spring and Autumn period 春秋時期|春秋时期 in Chinese history.  His father passed away when he was very young.  Confucius and his mother were very poor, but he loved to read and learn about etiquette.  Confucius never held an important job position in the government during his life time.

These virtues and teachings have significantly impacted Chinese culture and its surrounding Asian countries for thousands of years.

Confucius wanted to teach his disciples to be gentlemen-君子.  He encouraged his disciples to master the Six Arts 六藝.  They are rites 禮, music 樂, archery 射, charioteering 御, calligraphy 書, and mathematics 數.

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Why Confucius is “the Teacher of All Teachers”

Confucius was the first teacher in Chinese history to offer private education to the public.  Confucius traveled extensively in eastern China with his disciples. He shared his governing advice with rulers.  He was greatly respected by rulers of the states he visited.  In teaching, Confucius said that people of all social classes and with all learning levels/ability should be taught. { 有教無類。 | 有教无类 。}    He is well- known for his pioneering teaching approach, “teach according to natural aptitude,” or “personalized teaching”. {因材施教。}

What Do Chinese Children Call Their Teachers?

Chinese children call their teachers lǎo shī 老師 | 老师.  lǎo shī 老師 | 老师 literally means “old master.”  My students back in Taiwan call me “Hsiung Lǎo Shī, 熊老師” so do their parents.  You always add the teacher’s last time before the title, teacher  “lǎo shī”.

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Confucius Temple in Tainan, Taiwan.

Do Chinese Children Give Gifts to their Teachers?

Teachers are well respected in Chinese culture.  Great teachers in public schools, private schools, after school programs, private education academies are all highly respected and sought after.  Chinese Parents will send their children to these great teachers for private lessons after school or over the weekends.

Chinese Parents also give gifts to teachers on major Chinese festivals and Teachers’ Day.  For examples, teachers will receive Moon Cakes for the Mid Autumn Festival from parents.  The more popular a teacher is the more Moon Cakes s/he will receive.  It is a common practice.  What is the origin of this gifting practice?  It is a reference in the Confucian Analects,  “(述而) 子曰: 自行束脩以上、吾未嘗無誨焉。”-

The Master said: “From the one who brought a bundle of dried meat (the poorest person) upwards, I have never denied a person my instruction.”

It is not a requirement.  It is a gesture of showing appreciation to the devoted teachers.

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Confucius Says…

All Chinese children study the Confucian Analects when they start learning Chinese literature during their school years.  Understanding the meaning of each of Confucius conversation with his students in the Confucian Analects is a learning process and growing experience.  Here are a few highlights from the Confucian Analects.

  • Learning without thinking is not true learning; thinking without learning is not gaining true knowledge. 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。

  • An active and inquisitive person is not ashamed of asking questions and learning from his inferiors.敏而好學,不恥下問。

  • What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.  己所不欲,勿施於人。

There is a different level of understanding of the readings in Confucian Analects at different age of a person.  That is the beauty of reading the Confucian Analects, one of the greatest Chinese classics.

What Is Confucianism 

Confucius’ philosophy is Confucianism. The Han dynasty (206 AD-220 BC) made Confucius’ teachings (Confucianism) the state philosophy.  That was almost 300 years after Confucius.  Confucianism has been the core of Chinese culture and society for over 2000 years.

Confucianism is not a religion, but a way of living and behaving.  Confucianism’s principals are focused on benevolence 仁, righteousness 義, propriety 理, wisdom 智, faithfulness 信, loyalty 忠, and filial piety 孝.

For Chinese children, it is extremely important to learn and practice filial piety 孝.  Filial Piety 孝 is the respectful relationship between children and parents.  It is common practice to see Chinese adult children take care of their aging parents.  Some might live with their parents to assist their daily life.  The others might hire personal aides to assist their elderly parents at home.  Sending parents to an assisted living community is a possibility, but it’s a difficult decision for the family.  It is usually done only for medical reasons/needs.

Video: 10 Life Lessons from Confucius (in English)

Explore More About Confucius with Books

The best way to introduce Confucius to children is to share selected Confucius conversation with his students.  Talk about these conversation in story form and apply them in real life situation.  This is a good way to introduce Chinese virtues to children.  There are only a few children’s books about Confucius available in English.  However, there are many in Chinese.

Teaching Resource about Confucius with  Video

Confucius: An quick introduction to the greatest Chinese philosopher.

More to Think About…

Do you find Confucius and Confucianism interesting?  Do you know Confucius (551BCE-479 BCE) from China in the East are sometimes talked about and compared with Socrates (470 BCE-399BCE), Plato (427BCE-347BCE) and Aristotle (384BCE-322BCE) in the West?

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Exploring Confucius Temple in Tainan, Taiwan.