Martin Luther King A Poem | Chinese Through Story

Martin Luther King A Poem | Bilingual Chinese
Before we start, think about this name.  Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?  What are the words associated with him?  Have you read any stories about Dr. King? Your task after reading this short Chinese poem is to share one Chinese word to describe Dr. King.  You may want to read more stories in the Chinese Through Story series.

This poem is in Miss Panda Chinese Teaching Printable Library.  I want to give special thanks to Daria at World Music for Children for inspiration of this poem.

Chinese Through Story Martin Luther King | Miss Panda Chinese

High-frequency words and keywords in Chinese through the story Martin Luther King  are:

to know 知道, ma 嗎 | 吗 (question ending word), to sa 說 | 说, he/him 他, to have 有, a 一個 |一个, dream 夢|梦 • 夢想 | 梦想, love 愛 | 爱.

Chinese Through Story Martin Luther King A Poem!

[English-pinyin-Chinese traditional]

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Mǎ dīng lù dé jīn ēn bó shì 馬丁路德金恩 博士

  • Do you know Dr. King?

Nǐ zhī dào jīn ēn bó shì ma 你知道 金恩 博士

  • Have you heard about him?

zhī dào tā ma 你知道他嗎

  • Dr. King said:

jīn ēn bó shì shuō 金恩 博士

  • I have a dream.

yǒu yī gè mèng xiǎng 我一个梦想

  • He wanted a world of peace.

Tā xī wàng zhè ge shì jiè yǒu hé píng 他希望這個世界有 和平

  • He wanted a world of love.

tā xī wàng zhè ge shì jiè yǒu ài 他希望這個世界有

Chinese Through Story MLK Day Chinese Poem | Miss Panda Chinese

Chinese Through Story Martin Luther King A Poem!

[English-pinyin-Chinese simplified]

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Mǎ dīng lù dé jīn ēn bó shì 馬丁路德金恩 博士

  • Do you know Dr. King?

Nǐ zhī dào jīn ēn bó shì ma 你知道 金恩 博士 吗

  • Have you heard about him?

nǐ zhī dào tā ma 你知道他吗

  • Dr. King said:

jīn ēn bó shì shuō 金恩 博士 说

  • I have a dream.

wǒ yǒu yī gè mèng xiǎng 我有一个梦想

  • He wanted a world of peace.

Tā xī wàng zhè ge shì jiè yǒu hé píng 他希望这个世界有 和平

  • He wanted a world of love.

tā xī wàng zhè ge shì jiè yǒu ài 他希望這個这个世界有 爱

Chinese Through Story Martin Luther King | Miss Panda Chinese



Discussion Guide:
Ask questions about this poem.
Use this to expand vocabulary. Focus on the question ending word, I have…,  to know.  This poem is in Miss Panda Chinese Teaching Printable Library.  You can download this resource below.

1. What is the poem about?

2.  What did he say that is important?

3.  What did he want the world to have?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A Chinese Poem from Miss Panda Chinese Teaching Printable library

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