Chinese Lunar New Year series presents “Chinese New Year Must-Know Lucky Phrases!”  Happy Spring Festival! Happy Lunar New Year!

Why do you need to know the Chinese New Year Must-Know Lucky Phrases?  It is because the most important thing during the Lunar New Year is to keep a positive spirit and to say the traditional Chinese lucky phrases when greeting family and friends.

Chinese New Year Must-Know Lucky Phrases | Miss Panda Chinese

Here are the TOP three lucky phrases you will hear during Chinese Lunar New Year.  Now you can try them out yourself and see the magic reaction you get!

Gōng xǐ – 恭喜 Congratulations!
Most of the time, you will hear people say this phrase twice in a row as
“Gōng xǐ, gōng xǐ!” 恭喜 恭喜

Xīn nián kuài lè – 新年快樂 | 新年快乐 Happy New Year!
Xīn 新= new
nián 年= year
kuài lè 快樂|快乐= happy

3. Wàn shì rú yì – 萬事如意  | 万事如意 May everything goes as you wish.
Wàn 萬 |万= ten thousand
shì 事= things
rú yì 如意= as you wish

Miss Panda’s cubs helped out with this video – I hope you enjoy it!


Chinese Lunar New Year Greeting Banners -download yours

Chinese people post red lucky greeting banners on the front door or on the side of the front door for home.  For businesses, business owners with door front stores post the lucky greeting banners as well.

For offices and all business, managers and owners will post one special lucky banner for the beginning of a brand new work year.   This lucky phrase banner will be posted on the door when everyone resumes work after the Lunar New Year break which usually lasts 5 to 9 days.

One of the popular lucky greeting banners you on doors is 恭賀新禧|恭贺新喜 (gōnghè xīn xǐ).  It means “Happy New Year.”  It is one lucky greeting in written form.  That means you don’t usually hear people say it but you will read it on printed Lunar New Year decorations.

Chinese New Year Must-Know Lucky Phrases lucky banner| Miss Panda Chinese

Traditional Chinese

This lucky greeting banner can be used for home, storefront, and offices.

As to the special lucky phrase banner for all businesses, it is 開工大吉| 开工大吉 (kāi gōng dà jí).  It means “Best of luck with work!”  If you look at the Chinese characters it literally means “begin work big luck.”  These are four simple Chinese characters and when you put them together this lucky phrase contains positive energy and forward motion.

Chinese New Year Must-Know Lucky Phrases lucky banner| Miss Panda Chinese

Simplified Chinese


CNY Lucky banner Miss Panda Chinese

Traditional Chinese

You can post these two greetings to your classroom door and add positive energy as well.  Your children and students can help with the decoration.  And, you can definitely post more than one!  Download yours HERE.

Explore Resources in the Lunar Chinse New Year Culture Series

Chinese Lunar New Year Guide – Tradition, Taboos, and Celebration

Lunar Chinese New Year Coloring Pages

12 Chinese Animal Signs Activity & Culture Learning Unit -teaching resource

Greetings & Crafts Learning Unit – a teaching resource

12 Chinese Animal Signs Posters Learning Unit -a teaching resource

Global Education: Chinese Lunar New Year 15 Days of Celebration –a teaching resource

 Read Your World: 12 Chinese Lunar New Year & Culture Books

Learning about the 12 Chinese Animal Birth Signs (Chinese Zodiac)

 Make a Chinese New Year Lucky Word Sign Fú Craft

 Lantern Festival Riddle Game Printable

  Lunar New Year Classic Greeting Coloring Pages

 Let’s Make Dumplings A Must-Have Recipe

Winter Solstice Dōng Zhì Festival

Chinese New Year Laba Festival

(2019 update)