Picture Chinese Series:  Chinese New Year Special


Year of the Rooster

Year of the Rooster


The Chinese New Year celebration is a 15-day festivity.  With all the Spring Festival cultural events going on around the world this is a great time to locate one and to experience the celebration in person in your area.  If there is nothing similar locally you can join me to see what it is like.  I got a chance to visit Chinatown in Washington DC.  The year of the Rooster parade was filled with diversity and joyful fun.  Can you see what I fed the lion in the video?  Ask your child to see what s/he thinks?  Personalized Question and Answers are listed below.

*Replace Miss Panda with other names to reinforce the language input.  Great fun for circle time! *

Q. Māo xióng lǎo shī wèi shī zi chī le shén me? |What did Miss Panda feed the lion?

貓熊老師 餵獅子吃了什麼?(traditional Chinese)

猫熊老师 喂狮子吃了什么?(simplified Chinese)

A. Māo xióng lǎo shī wèi shī zi chī le

貓熊老師 餵獅子吃了 _____________. (traditional Chinese)

猫熊老师 喂狮子吃了 _____________. (simplified Chinese)


1. Táng guǒ 糖果 – candy  …OR

2. jú zi 橘子 – tangerine  …OR

3. hóng bāo 紅包| 红包 – red envelop


Scroll down to see the answer:







Red envelop!


