Chinese Song for Children is featuring a Chinese Christmas Carol Jingle Bells!  Sing and learn Chinese Jingle Bells song, a tune that children are familiar with.  I have included a Chinese Jingle Bells music video with Chinese subtitle in this article so  you can use at home or in your class.  Culture Question:  Do Chinese kids sing Jingle Bells?

Chinese Christmas Carol Chinese Jingle Bells lyrics | Miss Panda Chinese

Jingle Bells Chinese lyrics with pinyin and English support & More

World Culture Quick Facts:  Do Chinese people celebrate Christmas?  Some do.  Christianity arrived in China in Tang dynasty around A.D. 781.  At at time, a  Christian monk named Jing Jing composed an inscription of roughly 1,800 Chinese characters on a large stone tablet.  It is called a stela which would become one of the richest sources of information ever discovered about early Christianity in China.  So there are Christians in Taiwan and in China.  Christmas is also commercialized in Chinese communities so Chinese Jingle Bells are quite poplar during the holiday season.  

Now, back to the song.  At a glance you might think Chinese Jingle Bells is long.  It is.  However, you can break it down and teach one small part of the song at a time.  For young learners, you can focus on the sound of the Chinese Jingle Bells part of the lyrics first.  They will have a blast to catch this phrase as the song goes.  Let the party begin!

Sing and learn Chinese Jingle Bells | Miss Panda Chinese

Sing and Learn Chinese Christmas Carols Jingle Bells!

Chinese Jingle Bells song is longer in length.  It has more words and phrases that require time to “stick”.   What I do is to teach part of the song to start with.  I will gradually add more verses to the song as the children are ready for more.  Teaching the full version to start with can be overwhelming for kids.  The focus here is to have fun with this song and to have the children’s attention to learn this tune.   Less is more when you introduce new items (vocabulary) to children.  Learning more about the power of songs and music here.  

For Young Learners

Play the selected part of the song to the kids several times first.  Sing it several times.  I let the students know that they can “catch” the sound of the bells if they can hear it – even before I introduce the words to them.  You will be surprise how good the kids are.  Big smiles!

The Christmas bells are a must-have when you introduce this song to children.  You have the bells ready and you ring the bells.  Ask the kids what sound it makes.  What do they hear?  Introduce the item, the sound of the bells.  Again, play the song in parts on your devices and/or sing it to the children.

When I introduce the sound of bells and that is 叮叮噹 (traditional Chinese)|叮叮当 (simplified Chinese)= dīng dīng dāng (pinyin) to kids they feel that they know it already.

For Big Kids

I follow similar steps.  Play the song on your device or sing this song to the kids first.  Before the song I will give children a couple of simple words or phrases to “catch.”  Each of them has a secret note with pinyin or pinyin-Chinese of the words/phrases that they are going to catch.  This grabs their attention!

First item is still the sound of bells  叮叮噹 (traditional Chinese)|叮叮当 (simplified Chinese) dīng dīng dāng (pinyin).  Then the following…

“Jingle Bells” is 聖誕鈴鐺 = 圣诞铃铛 read as shèng dàn líng dāng

“聖誕鈴聲 叮叮噹”= “圣诞铃声 叮叮当” read as  Shèng dàn líng shēng dīng dīng dāng.

It means Christmas (聖誕|圣诞 Shèng dàn) bells (鈴|líng) and the sound of bells (叮叮噹|叮叮当dīng dīng dāng).

Jengle Bells is one of the best-known Christmas songs in English.  Now let’s listen to the Mandarin Chinese version!

Sing and learn Chinese Jingle Bells song | Miss Panda Chinese

Adding more selected words gradually as the learning goes.  Here is a list from my high frequency word bank for this song.

xuě huā 雪花 – snowflakes
shèng dàn lǎo gōng gōng 聖誕老公公 – Santa Claus
xiǎo qiáo 小橋 – little bridge
sēn lín 森林 – forest
xìng fú 幸福 – happiness
dà jiā 大家 – everyone

Below is the full version of the Chinese Jingle Bells lyrics in pinyin, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. (stay tuned – 2017 December update!)

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Lyrics in pinyin:

xuě huā suí fēng piāo
huā lù zài bēn pǎo

shèng dàn lǎo gōng gōng
jià zhe měi lì xuě qiāo

jīng guò liǎo yuán yě
dù guò liǎo xiǎo qiáo

gēn zhe hé píng huān xǐ gē shēng
piān rán dì lái dào

dīng dīng dāng
dīng dīng dāng
líng shēng duō xiǎng liàng

nǐ kàn tā bú bì fēng shuāng
miàn róng duó me cí xiáng

dīng dīng dāng
dīng dīng dāng
líng shēng duō xiǎng liàng

tā gěi wǒ men dài lái xìng fú
dà jiā xǐ yáng yang

hóng yī hóng mào rén
liǎng dào bái méi máo

bái fǎ bái hú xū
dài lái lǐ wù yì bāo

chuān guò liǎo sēn lín
yuè guò liǎo shān yáo

gēn zhe hé píng huān xǐ gē shēng
piān rán dì lái dào

dīng dīng dāng
dīng dīng dāng
líng shēng duō xiǎng liàng

nǐ kàn tā bú bì fēng shuāng
miàn róng duó me cí xiáng

dīng dīng dāng
dīng dīng dāng
líng shēng duō xiǎng liàng

tā gěi wǒ men dài lái xìng fú
dà jiā xǐ yáng yang

Lyrics in traditional Chinese characters:

雪花隨風飄  花鹿在奔跑

聖誕老公公  駕著美麗雪橇

經過了原野  渡過了小橋

跟著和平歡喜歌聲  翩然地來到

叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮

你看他不避風霜 面容多麼慈祥

叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮

他給我們帶來幸福 大家喜洋洋

紅衣紅帽人 兩道白眉毛

白髮白鬍鬚 帶來禮物一包

越過了森林 穿過了山腰

跟著和平歡喜歌聲 翩然地來到

叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮

你看他不避風霜 面容多麼慈祥

叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮

他給我們帶來幸福 大家喜洋洋

Lyrics in simplied Chinese characters:

雪花随风飘  花鹿在奔跑

圣诞老公公  驾着美丽雪橇

经过了原野  渡过了小桥

跟着和平欢喜歌声  翩然地来到

叮叮当 叮叮当 铃声多响亮

你看他不避风霜 面容多么慈祥

叮叮当 叮叮当 铃声多响亮

他给我们带来幸福  大家喜洋洋

红衣红帽人  两道白眉毛
白发白胡须  带来礼物一包
越过了森林  穿过了山腰
跟着和平 欢喜歌声 翩然地来到

叮叮当 叮叮当 铃声多响亮

你看他不避风霜 面容多么慈祥

叮叮当 叮叮当 铃声多响亮

他给我们带来幸福 大家喜洋洋

Exploring More Chinese Christmas & World Culture Resources

Chinese Songs for Kids: Let’s Sing “We Wish You A Merry Christmas!

December. Winter break. Chinese Christmas Fun

Chinese Play and Learn: Christmas Coloring Pages

Christmas Countdown Chain Hands-On Activity

Christmas Desserts Around the World

Chinese Play and Learn: Chinese packet (Simplified Chinese-pinyin-English 3-in-1 bundle)


  1. This is amazing! I can teach my 4 year old – she goes to a regular Chinese kindergarten here and she comes home trying to sing it in Chinese!

  2. Hi Miss Panda,

    Hope you are well.

    Thank you for sharing the song for christmas, and I am sure the children will love singing and exploring the new words.

    I wonder if you have any other teaching and learning resources for xmas, any games or activities? I have been searching through your blog, but can’t find it.

    Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

    with best wishes,

  3. Hi Miss Panda,

    I am 60 years and have 4 grand children, all under 7!

    Patricia KUHL in a TED Talk on the “The Linguistic Genius of Babies” showed that Children up to 7 years of age, have a HIGH natural Language Learning ability. After 7 years of age, there is a ‘drop off’,in this Natural Learning ability. Around 10 years old the drop off increases. Then @ ‘Puberty’ the drop off in natural language learning, becomes more pronounced still.

    “And you’ll see on the vertical, our skill at acquiring a second language.

    Babies and children are geniuses until they turn seven, and then there’s a systematic decline.

    After puberty, we fall off the map.

    No scientists dispute this curve, but laboratories all over the world

    are trying to figure out why it works this way.”

    I would like all four, of my Grandchildren, to learn Putonghua (Chinese)
    Leaning through SONG is a great way for young Children (and old ‘fogies’ like me). to learn a new language.

    Songs usually have Rhyme, Rhythm, Beat, and Melody, that helps you remember the words to the Music. This also aids memory retention of the Foreign Language Vocabulary and meaning.

    I have set myself the Task of learning Jingle Bells in Chinese so the Chinese Students of mine in China, can help me with that. In return, I will help them with the English (UK) version.

    I have a few problems accessing YouTube in China however.!

    • David, Thank you for sharing your language learning insight. Young children and adults learn language differently, however, with consistent practice you can definitely reach your goal. I hope you enjoy my videos and resources I have on my website. Happy learning! -Miss Panda