Miss Panda’s Chinese Character Series featured Chinese character: 口 (Kǒu) – This is a picture word, which means “mouth.” Chinese characters with this radical in it always have something to do with mouth.
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We can use 口 kǒu in the following phrases:
一口 – yī kǒu = one bite
一大口 – yī dà kǒu = one big bite
一小口 – yī xiǎo kǒu = one small bite
吃一口 – chī yī kǒu = to have a bite
吃一大口 -chī yī xiǎo kǒu = to have a big bite
Click below to hear how to properly pronounce this Chinese word:
[audio:https://www.misspandachinese.com//wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Mouth.mp3|titles=misspandachinese-Mouth] And click the character below to see how to write it with the proper stroke order: