Celebrating Holi with Kids and Chinese

Celebrating Holi with Kids | MissPandaChinese.com


Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated in India. It is also known as the Festival of Colors.

Fast Facts About Holi

Holi होली marks the end of the winter. It honors the triumph of good over evil and celebrates the arrival of spring. It is celebrated in India and in other South Asian nations with Hindu populations, such as Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan.  In addition, Hindus in America, Europe, and Australia also continue to celebrate Holi.

Holi is the second biggest Hindu festival after Diwali. Its celebration lasts for two days. It starts with Holika Dahan.  Holika Dahan symbolizes the triumph of righteousness over evil. The tradition is the bonfire on the night before Holi.

On the second day, people celebrate the divine love of Radha Krishna and the festival of colors begins.




India and Holi in Chinese

First, let’s get to how to say India in Mandarin. India is yìn dù 印度.

The translation of Holi in Mandarin varies. Here are the three most commonly used ones.

  • sè cǎi jié 色彩節 | 色彩节 – This literally means “color festival.”

  • hóu lì jié 侯麗節 | 侯丽节 – This is a sound translation of Holi.

  • sǎ hóng jié 灑紅節 | 撒红节- This literally means “sprinkle/spray red festival.”

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Celebrating Holi with Kids’ Projects

Art Project with Paint, Straw, and Focus!

  • Level of fun: High.

This art creation project is a lot of fun for kids big and small.

  • Supplies: Two

The supplies you need are colorful tempera paints, straws, or droppers.

  • Play and learn:

1. Drop tempera paint from the straw or dropper on the paper.

2. Blow on the drops of paint through the straw on the paper

3. Blow through the straw on drops of paint from different directions to create art


Celebrating Holi with Kids | MissPandaChinese.com



Color party with Homemade Color Powder

  • Level of fun: Superior High

  • Supplies: Three

The supplies you need are flour (1 – 1.5 cups for each color), food coloring ( 3-5 drops each color), and an optional item spray bottles.

  • Play and learn:

1. Mix one portion of flour with the desired amount of food coloring in a bag. Shake well.

2. Place the well-mixed color powder in small bowls for kids to use.

3. Add water to the spray bottle to add more fun.

Warning: This activity brings sticky and messy fun as you can see in the title image.



Cotton Ball Art Work

  • Level of fun: High

  • Supplies: Three

The supplies you need are cotton balls, tempera paint, cloth pins or tweezers (optional)


STEM Activity: Coloring Mixing Science


Keep Chinese Active with All Activities

Chinese Story: Where are the colors?


Connecting world culture with home culture can guide children to expand their worldview in the fast-growing global community! Happy Holi to friends around the world who are celebrating it!


Related Posts and Learning Resource

Play Sheets Color Color Everywhere – Traditional Chinese version

Play Sheets Color Color Everywhere – Simplified Chinese version

Color Words and Easter

A Brown Bear in Chinese with Miss Panda (Playful Chinese Podcast)


Books to Read about Holi, Festivals in India and Around the World

Why Do We Celebrate HOLI


Festival of COLORS


Celebration Around the World


A Gift for Amma Market Day In India – read book review featured post


Sparkles of Joy



Celebrating Holi with Kids and Chinese