Happy Father’s Day! How does your family celebrate Father’s Day? This is a wonderful opportunity to focus on learning “All About Dad!” You can start a countdown with five things about Dad! I have created literacy-building resources for Father’s Day, and this post comes with audio support! My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me.”-Jim Valvano Happy Father’s Day Activity Printables Here are two Happy Father’s Day printables
Read more →Happy Hanukkah in two languages, English and Chinese. A Jewish celebration The Hanukkah holiday is more than one day. Hanukkah is known as the wintertime “festival of lights.” What is Hanukkah? Hanukkah is in honor of a victorious battle for religious freedom which happened 2,000 years ago. The Hanukkah holiday lasts eight days. Tradition of Hanukkah Families will place a menorah by the window. Menorah holds candles. It holds eight candles plus one for lighting
Read more →Chinese Play and Learn features Chinese Christmas Jingle Bells lyrics and fun printable sets during this holiday season! Learning keeps going when kids are on winter break or summer break for holidays! Let’s look at the holiday resources. Make sure you download the Chinese Play & Learn printables I created for the kids! Teach Chinese: Christmas Teaching Resource This winter and holiday Chinese Christmas unit is filled with hands-on activities and playful learning. It includes over
Read more →What is The Ghost Month? The first day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar is the beginning of Ghost Month in Chinese culture. It usually falls between August and September on the Gregorian Calendar. Here are the dates for the Ghost Month and the Ghost Festival starting this year. 2023 – August 16 to September 14. The Ghost Festival is on August 30. 2024 – August 4 to September 9. The Ghost Festival falls on
Read more →Guide kids to speak Chinese – One Thing You Must Do To Guide Your Child to Speak More Chinese Parents often mention that their children are reluctant to speak Mandarin. To speak more Mandarin, to be exact. “Why is that?” they ask. They often continued with, “They go to Chinese classes online / in person…” “My kids use apps…” “They have textbooks…” “We have storybooks…” ONE QUESTION My first question to parents is always this one
Read more →Chinese Valentine’s Day Qi Xi Festival – Chinese culture for kids series. Exploring world culture with festivals is a great way to blend target language learning with culture. Chinese Valentine’s Day is Qi Xi 七夕. The legend is that you scab ee a bridge formed by “magpies” xǐ què 喜鵲 (traditional Chinese) | 喜鹊 (simplified Chinese) in the night sky on the day of 七夕 Qi Xi. Qi Xi is the evening of the 7th day
Read more →Learning Chinese tones with ease! Many parents and adult learners with no Chinese language background ask about how to pronounce Chinese words correctly with different tones when learning Mandarin Chinese with their kids. There are three steps to follow when you are learning Chinese tones. First, relax and smile Trust me, relaxation is the key for adults when we learn to speak a new language. Relax! Deep breath. A smile works like magic and it makes you
Read more →Teaching Your Child Chinese As Your Heritage Language There are different language and culture proficiency levels when we talk about Chinese as your heritage language. … In the United States, languages other than English are often thought of and referred to as “foreign” languages. However, many people who live in the United States have cultural connections to and know languages other than English. These languages are not “foreign” to particular individuals or communities; instead, they
Read more →St Patrick’s Day Chinese Activities for Kids Fast Fact about St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s day started as a religious holiday and now is a cultural celebration. It is a national holiday in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Add St. Patrick’s Day Chinese Activities for kids to this month’s learning and lead kids to explore St Patrick’s Day and Ireland. Chinese Expressions You can Use about St. Patrick’s Day Chinese Notes: English-PinYin-Chinese Traditional|Simplified (when there
Read more →Winter Olympics Games Facts And Activities for Kids + Chinese Word Search Winter Olympic Games 2022 is happening in Beijing, China. This makes Beijing the first city in the world to host both the Summer Olympics (2008) and Winter Olympics (2022). For Chinese language learners, this event is a perfect time to learn about the current host country and sports with hands-on activities from crafts to STEM projects. WINTER OLYMPICS FUN FACTS When people talk
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