Make! Play! Learn!

Make Play Learn teach kids Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese

I always enjoy attending Maker’s Faire. Every time I attend the event I meet many creative people.  In addition, I experience a lot of surprises. However, what interests me the most at every Maker Faire is seeing children can easily engage in building, creating, and designing.   Kids ask questions.  They are curious about the out-of-the-box designs.  And, children are eager to make their own design with the materials provided to them at the event. Making something is

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dedication teach kids Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese

Dedication. A mother said it to me.  “That takes dedication.” she said again. Introducing a new language to your child needs dedication. Raising a bilingual child needs dedication. When you make the decision you make a promise and it goes forward from there. Dedication means you will be consistent. Smile, play and introduce Mandarin to her.  Learn with your child together. You will walk with your child on this learning  journey little by little today, tomorrow and

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Chinese is Fun vs. That is Hard

Chinese is fun introduce Mandarin to children Miss Panda Chinese

  “Chinese is fun!”  “What are we going to learn next time?…”  The kids are having a good time and they are eager to know what is coming up in the next class.  I am gathering all my materials and am ready to head to the classroom next door. When young learners are engaged and enrolled in learning they are excited and fearless about learning something new. “Miss Panda, I know that song!”  As I started singing

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Ice Cream for You and Me

Ice Cream for You and me | Miss Panda Chinese

The first time I saw an ice cream truck was in San Francisco.  I was spending a summer with my cousins.  When I heard the music I was not sure what that was.  Suddenly, the kids who were playing in front of me all disappeared and then came back with money and ran toward the music. Out of curiosity, I followed and running after them.  Here and then I saw an ice cream truck. It was quite

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Singing, Playing, and Acting

singing playing and acting |

Starting each class with the Hello Nǐ Hǎo song is a routine for the kids in my Chinese immersion program. They are toddlers, preschoolers, and babies.  My youngest student was three months old.  But, I first met baby J when he was a tiny newborn in a Babybjön carrier with his dad.   Baby J was about 2 months old and her parents were ready for him to join my class for the little ones. People sing when

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Everyday Chinese: Make a Phone Call

make a phone call | Mandarin Chinese for kids | Miss Panda Chinese

Hello hello, anybody home? Who’s calling? E.T. It’s not a real phone call.  This is a pretend call.  My kids used to call me on their toy phone.  It was a lot of fun.  I asked them questions and they gave short and funny answers. How do you say, “hello, hello on the phone in Chinese?” one mom asked me. “It is 喂 喂 wèi wèi in Mandarin,” I replied. The “hello” on the phone is different

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Are You Coming?

Are you coming making lemonade introduce Mandarin to children Miss Panda Chinese

Mason asked me: “Are we going to eat it?”  James said, ” I love lemon!”  I told them we were going to make lemonade last week.  It is always fun when fruit is involved in a lesson.  It gives the kids an opportunity to try fruit that their friends like.  They can also share their favorite fruit with their friends. I took the lemon out and asked the children to join me.  “Are you coming?” as I

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Getting Started

Getting Started | Miss Panda Chinese

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. -Zig Ziglar Alice is amazing.  She does not speak Mandarin neither does her husband.  But, her boy does.  Actually this college freshman  recently has decided to minor in Chinese. How did Alice manage to get it started for her boy? When she decided a few years ago that her boy should learn some Chinese she just started. Yes, that was really

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Being Different or Being Unique

Being Different or Being Unique | Miss Panda Chinese

Being different or being unique? The walk starts at the Third Street Promenade.  Go and take a look if you are in Santa Monica.  What is it?  Farmers market.  Not really. A place to shop.  Yes,  but there is more.  Cafe and restaurants.  Yes, but there is more than that.  There are the iconic Dinosaur topiary sculptures and fountains that stand there for decades in Santa Monica, California. There are street performers.  And, there is this cool

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After A Busy Day

After a busy day | Miss Panda Chinese

Amy is tired.  She had a busy long day at work.  Finally, dinner is done and she just wants to take a break.  Little Josh is playing with his sister, Mary.  “Maybe, we can skip today,” Amy thought.  Skip the Chinese routine that she has started a couple of weeks ago. Don’t skip it. Don’t!  Keep it, even it is only 5 minutes. You can make it short and sweet for you and the kids.  Try one

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