
Here is a very nice learning website for children who already speak and understand Mandarin Chinese. You can listen to Chinese stories on Go to the homepage, click on the FREE sample and choose the books you like to read and listen to. There are over 10 books available in the free sample selection. The Mandarin Chinese pronunciation is accurate and the recording has good audio quality. Stories are written in simplified Chinese characters with pin

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Reading Time: Look What Came from China

Can every one say your name correctly in your class? I remember when I came to the States my friends had a hard time to pronounce my name. When I first moved to Morocco one of my friends called me on the phone to invite me to a party. I told her twice that she got the wrong number since I could not recognize the name of the person she would like to talk to. I had

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Reading Time: Red is a Dragon

How many siblings do you have? What is going on with “The Seven Sisters”? Dragon is from China and the color red is the lucky color for Chinese. Let’s take a look at “Red is a Dragon” and see what we can find! Who is the fastest one in “The Great Race”? The Rat or the pig? Here is the reading list for November. Enjoy! (1) The Seven Sisters by Kathy Tucker (2) Red is a Dragon

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Reading Time: Dim Sum for Every One

My children enjoy the following books. A lot of facts about China and Chinese culture in the Ms. Frizzle’s book. An interesting introduction to Chinese characters in “The Pet Dragon”. After reading “Dim Sum for Every one” a family field trip to a Dim Sum restaurant is a great choice. Here is the list for October. Have fun reading! (1) Ms. Frizzle’s Adventure Imperial China by Joanna Cole & Bruce Degen (2) The Pet Dragon by Christopher

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Chinese Culture Books for Kids Series: Reading Time Thanking the Moon – celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival

Moon Festival is also known as Mid Autumn Festival. Moon Festival is the theme for September. Here is the reading list. Don’t forget to try some moon cake! (1) Thanking the Moon – celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival by Grace Lin (2) Thank you, Meiling by Linda Talley (3) Mei Ling in China City by Icy Smith   Do you have any favorite culture books you would like to share? Leave a reply and let me know.

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Jackie Chan Singing in Mandarin – Mulan

Who’s speaking Mandarin Chinese? Jackie Chan! Jackie Chan did voice over for the movie, Mulan.  Listen to Jackie Chan singing in Mandarin Chinese for movie, MuLan. What do you think?   Music Video with lyrics in Chinese traditional characters and pinyin as well as English translation: Official Music Video – All Video links from YouTube.  

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