Introduce Chinese to Children Through Songs Ni Hao Number Songs

Sing and learn Chinese number song | Miss Panda Chinese

Introduce Chinese to Children Through Songs: Ni Hao and Number Songs are the first songs all my kids learn on the first day of school.  The excitement level goes up as the number goes up!  You may also like to read Teach Chinese Through Songs: Sing, Rap, Speak! Singing, Dancing and Finger Play Singing, dancing, and finger play are lots of fun for young children.  Kids enjoy rhythmic patterns and music.  It is a joyful shared experience

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Sing to Learn Chinese: Miss Panda’s Happy Chinese Playgroup – Sing “London Bridge” in Mandarin Chinese

  Let’s sing “London Bridge” together in Mandarin Chinese!  I created the movements for this song for my daughter when she was only a few months old. The first time we did this she was only a tiny bug and I was holding her on my knees.  She was giggling and giggling and we really had fun.  Now she is much taller and bigger and it is impossible to hold her facing me on my knees but

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Miss Panda’s Reading Playground – “Goodnight Moon” – in Mandarin Chinese

“Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd Taiwanese Chinese edition (Mandarin Chinese with Traditional Characters) Reading a familiar book in a second language is a routine you can have with your child at home, perhaps as a bed time story.  Young children enjoy the repetition of the stories they already know and it is a wonderful way to introduce early reading in a second language. My son loved “Goodnight Moon” so much as a baby that

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Miss Panda’s Reading Playground – “Good Night, Gorilla” – in Mandarin Chinese

“Good Night, Gorilla” by Peggy Rathmann “Good Night, Gorilla” – “Wǎn ān dà xīng xīng” is a cute story with a lot of vocabulary potential. At the basic level children can learn the animal words, and how to say “good night.”  If you know the color words you can review color words with this book too.  Look at the keys on the key ring.  What colors do you see?  How about the moon?  What is the color of the

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Miss Panda’s Reading Playground – “Dear Zoo” – in Mandarin Chinese

“Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell   This is a great book for language-learning with its simple story and repetition of words and sentences.  Children can easily review and learn the describing words for each animal. Fun words to remember: 1. Pet – Chǒng wù 寵(宠)物 2. Animal – Dòng wù 動(动)物 Thought question: If the zoo sent you a baby panda for a pet what would you do? 1. I will send it back. – Wǒ bǎ

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“Mandarin Madness” – A Mandarin Chinese Learning App

You’re at the Great Wall of China and Chinese characters are falling from the sky! You’d better catch them as fast as you can.   “Mandarin Madness” is a Chinese learning app developed by Native Tongue.  The design of this app incorporates the learning of basic Chinese characters and phrases into an exciting game.  This app is an entertaining learning tool for children and new adult Chinese learners. What children can learn 1. Vocabulary building There are

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Miss Panda’s Reading Playground – “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” – in Mandarin Chinese

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin Jr. with illustrations by Eric Carle Background music: Les crocodiles mangent aussi les bonshommes Wizzards (Circus Marcus) / CC BY-NC 3.0   “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin and Eric Carle is a joyful read in any language!  This is a great book for language-learning with its simple story and repetition of words and sentence patterns.  Children can easily review and

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Miss Panda’s Reading Playground – “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” – in Mandarin Chinese!

Miss Panda reads children’s favorite “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” in Mandarin Chinese! With this installment of “Miss Panda’s Reading Playground” kids can practice telling the Pigeon “Bù xińg / 不行!” (“No!”) Watch, listen and have fun! If you have a favorite children’s book that you would like me to read in Mandarin Chinese send me a message to let me know. Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus! (Chinese Edition) [Hardcover]

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Miss Panda’s Reading Playground – Listen to a Children’s Book in Mandarin Chinese: “Elmer’s Day”

  Elmer is a cute multi-colored little elephant. Join him as he has a fun day filled with adventure. On this post I read this popular English kids’ book in Mandarin Chinese. I hope you love it! Let me know what book you’d like me to read next!   Elmer’s Day (English-Chinese) (Elmer series) [Board Book]

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Let’s Learn About Animals

Kids big and small love my stuffed animals whenever I bring them to the classroom!  We not only learn the names of the animals but also review the words about face and body parts.  After we have learned about the animals we visit the zoo to see and describe our animal friends.  You can do the same at home.  Review the words in this video for your next trip to the zoo! Ready, set, ROAR!!!  

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