Chinese Reading Playground is reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar! This classic story highlights days of the week and fruit. After reading this book, there are many playful literacy activities you can do to bring this story alive. You can find the collection of The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book activity printables at the end of this post. Miss Panda is reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar Chinese edition today! Book Title: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Author: Eric Carl Language:
Read more →Summer Chinese Reading Program GIVEAWAY! (2017) Are you ready to add wonderful Chinese language books, Chinese-English bilingual culture books and English culture books to your home library or class library? When your child has easy access to books, word wall, word games, board games and child-friendly print materials at home you have created a literacy-rich environment for your young learner. “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” — Walt
Read more →Summer Chinese Reading Playground Program We are bringing reading into summer! Summer Chinese Reading Playground is for children of all ages with or without Chinese language background. Everyone can participate! We want to boost children’s reading during the break with fun resources. We also want to help you build your home/classroom library with our fantastic giveaway! This is a FREE program for homeschool children and kids at school (Pre-K to Gr.6). We love to see your class
Read more →We are so excited to kick off this year’s Summer Chinese Reading Program! (2017 program has closed. Thank you for your participation) The mission of this challenge is to keep our bilingual children reading in Chinese, having fun in Chinese, and learning more about the Chinese language, Chinese culture, and the world during the summer. We have picked awesome books for your to start with. We are looking forward to having your and your child’s book recommendations.
Read more →Read Around the World Summer Reading Series: What Was It Like, Mr. Emperor Read Around the World Summer Reading Series What Was It like, Mr. Emperor? Life in China’s Forbidden City Follow Read Around the World Summer Series and discover cultures in our amazing world! In this book, readers will go on an adventure to learn about the life of the emperor living in the Forbidden City in China. Do you know the emperor is supremely
Read more →Chinese cartoons for kids is featuring 15 Chinese Cartoons for children! Stories are wonderful for target language teaching and learning. A good and simple story contains repeated words, expressions, and a fun storyline to keep the attention of children. By using cartoons in small parts to deliver a lesson can be a very effective way to reinforce Chinese language learning and see some cultural elements at times. In addition to Chinese Cartoons for kids, I will be
Read more →Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by App Masters for “Miao Mi” APP. All opinions are my own. It is difficult for parents in North America to find quality Chinese language learning resources for their kids,” said Todd Miller, CEO of Celestial Tiger Entertainment, a leading media company in Asia that creates and operates popular channels focusing on Asian entertainment, including “Miao Mi.” “We created Miao Mi to give parents a wide range of entertaining and educational programs
Read more →Teach Your Kids Chinese: The Ultimate Resource Guide! Online and offline Chinese resources for parents who are non-native speakers. You are learning Mandarin as a family and you can make it happen! 2020 update. This post has affiliate links. Thank you for your support! Teach Your Kids Chinese as you are learning Mandarin at the same time. Teach Your Kids Chinese: The Ultimate Resource Guide! When I first started teaching Mandarin Chinese almost all of my students
Read more →d The Best Kids Apps for learning Chinese! Mobile devices have become a part of our learning in or out of our home or in the classroom. I like the flexibility and the variety that apps provide. Here I have picked 18 Chinese language learning apps that are educational and entertaining for your bilingual child. I kept the non-native speaking parents and children in mind when I made the selection. Many of the Chinese language learning apps
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