Chinese tones practice mom or horse. We are going to look at two important Chinese words and we are going to hear them in two sentences. Young children listen to words and sentences without the disposition of tones. They hear a sentence and they say it. Sometimes it might be slightly different from what I say but with consistent input children “correct” themselves without any assistance. This shows that if they consistently hear clear, correct, and native-like
Read more →Chinese Tones candy or soup? This tone card has two Chinese words with the same sound but different tones. Listen to the audio and have your child point to the matching picture. Listen to the audio recording for the tone card. What does Bao Bao want? Candy or soup? How about Miss Panda? Does Miss Panda want to have candy or soup? What does your child want? How about you? Chinese Tones Practice Candy or Soup in
Read more →Chinese Tones dumplings or sleep? This sounds like a funny question. But, in Chinese, it is a fun sentence to practice the tones. Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language. There are 4 tones plus a light tone. There are many languages, some call them dialects, in China. They all have tones. Mandarin Chinese is the official language in China and Taiwan. When you visit Canton province in China you will hear people speak Cantonese and Mandarin. If
Read more →“I hear Chinese! I was so excited and I told my mom that I heard two people stand in front of the store were speaking Chinese.” When I heard this I was just as excited as the student who was telling me the story. Her voice was filled with joy and smile. It is always wonderful to see the enthusiasm in children when they are learning. We need to keep that enthusiasm. Learning is exciting. You want
Read more →The kids in my kindergarten class were doing a Chinese word hunt game. “I know this! These are Chinese words,” Maya said. The boy next to her said, “I know. They look different.” “I see Chinese words,” Leo jumped in the conversation. After the class, John in the class came to me and told me that he wanted to show me some Chinese words he had found at home next time. I was delighted to hear that.
Read more →“Yīn cái shī jiào 因材施教” is a Chinese saying from Confucius and I share it as “personalized teaching” in English. Listen to your child and observe what she does. Add the teaching to what she is working on. Cater the learning toward her interest. Homeschool parents often do this. But, you don’t need to be a homeschool parent to apply personalized teaching at home. Because you already have been doing it. It is before your child starts
Read more →Everyday Chinese: Are you sleepy? A daily routine is important for children. These expressions are for everyday use. What is the simple bed time routine for your child? I remember that my kids enjoyed the bed time stories but they were never ready to go to bed even when they were very tired. For my preschool students, some of them were never ready for nap time. Are you sleepy? It’s time to go to bed? Are you
Read more →Story time! When my kids were little we enjoyed story time in the library. We also had our own story time at home, Chinese Story Time. We continue the story time until now even though they are teens. Sometimes I read to them and sometimes they read to me. It has become a time to read and to exchange ideas. At times, we are just making up stories with things the kids see during the day. This
Read more →Raising a bilingual child starts with a learning environment. But there are challenges like, “I want to raise a bilingual child but there is not a target language environment.” “There are hardly any people speaking Mandarin Chinese in my neighborhood.” “What can I do to help my child learn Mandarin as a non-native speaker?” There are also ways to face the challenges and make it work. My kids recently went to a Board Game Cafe in Taipei
Read more →Everyday Chinese: I am happy! Feelings and emotion expressions are high-frequency words for every day. Are you happy? Are you sad? Teaching kids about feeling words so they can use them when there is a need. Children enjoy acting. Simon Says is a game you can play with this topic. There are many activities you can incorporate to practice the feeling words. “Do you see a happy face?” I ask the students. “Look around you and count
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