A Family’s Guide to Chinese Programs

A Family's Guide to Chinese Programs | Miss Panda Chinese

A Family’s Guide to Chinese Programs Many recent studies have shown the benefits of being bilingual.  Parents see the advantage of being bilingual and want to introduce Chinese to their children at a young age.  In addition, there might be a plan in the parent’s mind to send kids to a Chinese program when they are a little older. What are the options available for you and your child?  Let’s look at the Chinese program in the

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The Progress Lies In What You Consistently Do

The Progress Is What You Consistently Do | Miss Panda Chinese

The Progress Lies In What You Consistently Do “I think we read first, then let’s watch an episode of Meteor Garden,” my daughter says, as I am about to take out the Chinese checker game.  We have been playing with it for a few days now and she enjoys it. “Let me get the book,” as she leaves and I put away the game. My teen daughter takes Spanish at school.  Our Chinese reading time has been

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Teach Kids Chinese: Sing Together + Songs To Start With

Teach Kids Chinese: Sing Sing Together | Miss Panda Chinese

Teach Kids Chinese: Sing Together Songs are stories.  They are a lot of fun for kids.  Listen to songs in Mandarin and you are listening to the words and tones without any efforts.  Listen and sing! Old McDonald Had A Farm is a song that kids love.  Sing it and see it.  See the animals that are in the song.  Listen to the sounds that animals make in the song.  Now, listen to it performed in Chinese

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World Culture for Kids: Confucius’ Birthday Teachers’ Day

Confucius' birthday teachers day | Miss Panda Chinese

 Confucius’ Birthday Teachers’ Day Confucius’ birthday is Teachers’ Day in Taiwan.  September 28th is the day to celebrate and honor teachers and educators.  Teachers’ Day celebration can be traced back to 1952 and even earlier.   It is the birthday of Confucius who is the greatest philosopher in Chinese history. Teachers’ Day in China is on September 10.  It is a holiday in the Greater China region.  You can see the celebration in Macaw and South Korea as

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Teach Children Chinese: Tips To Set Up A Bilingual Home (Part 2)

Teach Children Chinese: Tips To Set Up A Bilingual Home (Part 2) | Miss Panda Chinese

Tips To Set Up A Bilingual Home Part 2 Home is where learning starts for every child.  Here are the remaining four tips that you can apply to your target language learning area setup at home or in the classroom.  We’ve talked about visual and sound last time and here we will start with the sense of smell. Smell The sense of smell helps kids to understand their world, and it helps with learning. Chinese cooking ingredients: You

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Teach Children Chinese: Tips To Set Up A Bilingual Home (Part 1)

Teach Children Chinese How To Set Up A Bilingual Home | Miss Panda Chinese

Teach Children Chinese: Tips To Set Up A Bilingual Home Home is where learning starts for every child.  I want to share with you 6 tips to set up your target language learning area at home and to make the Mandarin Chinese visible in your family. There are six areas you can focus on when you first start out.  Think about the time when you were decorating your baby’s room.  You wanted to create a happy and

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8 Things You Need to Raise A Bilingual Child

Things You Need To Raise A Bilingual Child | Miss Panda Chinese

Things you need to raise a bilingual child Children are like sponges.  When you go to the storytime in the library you see the little toddlers and preschoolers listen to a story with total concentration.  At times, a few of them will share with the group about what they know about the story.  Amazing! Sponges need water.  What you provide to your young kid gives her opportunities to absorb and learn. Raising a bilingual child needs dedication. 

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Playful Chinese Podcast Introduces Everyday Chinese To Family and Children

Playful Chinese podcast | Miss Panda Chinese

Playful Chinese podcast introduces everyday Chinese to family and children. You can listen to Playful Chinese wherever you are.  It is a portable learning tool for you, your child and your family. What you learn in every episode is what you can use with your child.  Add listening to Playful Chinese podcast to one of your family routines.  Listen to it during the commute to school.  Start listening an episode during snack time at home. There is

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Teach Your Child A Second Language: A Thank You Note

Teach Your Child A Second Language: A Thank You Note | MissPandaChinese.com

  2021 update- During the pandemic last year I took an international trip from Washington DC to Taiwan. I flew from one airport to the other. I never saw the San Francisco International airport so empty.  The passengers on each flight were carefully dressed to protect themselves from COVID-19. The flight crew in each flight was wonderful. Upon arrival. I went through a 2-week quarantine in a one-bedroom unit in Taipei. All alone by myself. No one

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Teach Your Child Chinese: Let’s Play!

Teach Kids Chinese Let's Play | Miss Panda Chinese

Jerry (4) and James (6) had their eyes closed and asked me: “Are you ready?”  I was busy trying to find a good place to hide the bouncy ball.  They couldn’t wait to start playing the Hot and Cold game in Mandarin Chinese.  One of them was “whispering” rè rè  rè (hot).  The other one was giggling lěng lěng lěng (cold).  This was their first time playing this game in Mandarin but they were ready to start.

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