A Bilingual Family Journey interview with Angela Mingjung Chen, World Language Chinese Instructor and linguist along with her daughter, Joweina Hsiao. You will hear their story from both the mother’s and the daughter’s perspectives. How does Angela keep her heritage language (Chinese) and culture alive at home? Angela shares her insight on bringing up her bilingual/multilingual children as a native Chinese speaker. Joweina, a sophomore in college gives her take on her multilingual journey growing up.
You can watch this interview on the screen below or you can view it on YouTube channel.
Bilingual Family Profile- Native language of parents: (Mandarin) Chinese. Children were born and raised in the United States.
Easy Watch:
00:00 Guests introduction.
02:00 Family language background (Angela Mingjung/mother).
7:05 Growing up with different languages (Joweina/daughter).
11:30 Learning Chinese at the beginning to adding Japanese. How to maintain Chinese after starting college. (Joweina)
13:30 Mother’s perspective: School teacher vs. mom teacher. How to expand the children’s vocabulary beyond everyday conversation.
19:45 Challenge on the bilingual family journey. (Angela Mingjung)
22:30 Challenge for a child growing up with more than one language. (Joweina)
26:15 Role of technology in language learning. (Angela Mingjung and Joweina)
29:45 Prioritizing and modifying on the bilingual journey. (Angela Mingjung)
31:30 My Sociolinguistics project in college. (Joweina)
33:00 Advice to Chinese speaking parents who are on the bilingual parenting journey. (Angela Mingjung) – This part of interview is in Chinese with English subtitle.
36:00 Recommendation to children who are on the bilingual journey. (Joweina) – This part of interview is in Chinese with English subtitle.
Book shown in the interview:
A Life Like Mine – How Children Live Around the World

Bilingual Family Journey Interview
Below is a photo gallery of Angela Ming Jung Chen to showcase a few of many language and cultural learning experience of Joweina.
Photos courtesy of Angela Ming Jung Chen.
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